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ACE-IT in College students have the opportunity to pick from a variety of existing classes at VCU with the support of an advisor. Students can choose courses based on interest, strengths, or a desire to learn more about the topic. ACE-IT offers supports to assist students as they journey through college and into employment.

ACE-IT students take two to three VCU classes per semester for audit. When taking a class for audit, students complete all coursework, receive instructor feedback, and earn grades on assignments. However, students receive an AU on their transcript instead of a course grade, and do not receive traditional college credit for audited courses. Once all of the ACE-IT in College Academic and Career Plan requirements are completed, students receive a certificate through the School of Education. Additionally, ACE-IT in College students are provided with a Student Handbook with information specific to their program requirements, supports, VCU policies, and resources. Students and families may access the Student Handbook here.

ACE-IT in College students work with education coaches who provide academic support in and out of class. This can include attending class together, notetaking, clarifying content, and support with organization. Students request accommodations through the VCU's Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity (SAEO) Office and can access services like tutoring and supplemental instruction through the Campus Learning Center.